Yet another SQL Server enthusiast


Lost Update Problem – an optimistic approach

Filed under: sql server — ---- @ 11:19 AM

The problem

One of usually problems encountered during the usage of the multiuser databases is the lost update problem (described here and here). This means that after a user/transaction updates a row a second user/transaction tries to update the same row thus overwriting the first change. When the risk of getting this kind of problem is low one solution is the optimistic approach described here (see Understanding Lost Modifications > Optimistic approach). In such cases first transaction which updates some rows will succeed but the following transaction which tries to update the same rows raises an exception. At this point would be nice to show to the end user the values before second update (after first update) and after second update so he/she can see what values modified by the first user.

The solution

One solution is described within ninth chapter of Expert SQL Server 2008 Development and supposes returning an XML using AFTER UPDATE triggers. The XML is generated using inserted and deleted virtual tables.

To generate the same XML, this article uses another approach: starting with SQL Server 2005 the inserted and deleted tables are also available within OUTPUT clause. Thus, the OUTPUT clause is used to insert the updated rows into a table variable named @InsertedAndDeleted. Then an XML is generated using the rows previously inserted into @InsertedAndDeleted.

For this article I use following table:

Code Snippet
CREATE DATABASE TestPreventLostUpdated;
USE TestPreventLostUpdated;
CREATE TABLE dbo.PaymentOrder
    PaymentOrderID INT PRIMARY KEY,
    PaymentDate DATETIME NOT NULL,
    Amount NUMERIC(18,2) NOT NULL,
    ModifyDate DATETIME NULL,
    ModifyUser SYSNAME NULL,
INSERT INTO dbo.PaymentOrder (PaymentOrderID, PaymentDate, Amount)
VALUES (1, '2013-09-14', 500);
INSERT INTO dbo.PaymentOrder (PaymentOrderID, PaymentDate, Amount)
VALUES (2, '2013-09-15', 1000);

In SQL Server, one simple solution to detect changes is to use rowversion datatype. At this point, the content of this table is as it follows:

Code Snippet
PaymentOrderID PaymentDate Amount ModifyDate ModifyUser RW
————– ———– —— ———- ———- —————–
1              2013-09-14  500.00 NULL       NULL       0x7D1
2              2013-09-15  1000.0 NULL       NULL       0x7D2

SQL Server automatically increments the RW value after each UPDATE. For example, if I change the value of Amount column from 1000.00 to 1111 for PaymentOrderID 2

Code Snippet
    UPDATE dbo.PaymentOrder
    SET    Amount = 1111
    WHERE PaymentOrderID = 2;
    SELECT *
    FROM dbo.PaymentOrder;

then the results will be:

Code Snippet
PaymentOrderID PaymentDate Amount ModifyDate ModifyUser RW
————– ———– —— ———- ———- —————–
1              2013-09-14  500.00 NULL       NULL       0x7D1
2              2013-09-15  1000.0 NULL       NULL       0x7D3

As you can see, after this update of Amount column, SQL Server changed also the RW (rowversion) value from 0x7D2 to 0x7D3.

Our lost update scenario is as follows:


Now, if we want to show the old and the new values a simple solution is to insert the old and the values into a table variable using OUTPUT INTO clause and, then, using FOR XML we create the XML:

Code Snippet
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[PaymentOrder_Update]
    @PaymentOrderID INT,
    @Amount NUMERIC(18,2),
    @RW BINARY(8),
    @OutputXml XML OUTPUT
DECLARE @InsertedAndDeleted TABLE
    NewPaymentOrderID INT NOT NULL,
    NewPaymentDate DATETIME NOT NULL,
    NewAmount NUMERIC(18,2) NOT NULL,
    NewModifyDate DATETIME NULL,
    NewModifyUser SYSNAME NULL,
    OldPaymentOrderID INT NOT NULL,
    OldPaymentDate DATETIME NOT NULL,
    OldAmount NUMERIC(18,2) NOT NULL,
    OldModifyDate DATETIME NULL,
    OldModifyUser SYSNAME NULL,
    OldRW BINARY(8) NOT NULL        
    UPDATE    dbo.PaymentOrder
    SET        Amount = @Amount,
            ModifyDate = GETDATE(),
            ModifyUser = ORIGINAL_LOGIN()
    OUTPUT    inserted.*, deleted.* INTO @InsertedAndDeleted
    WHERE    PaymentOrderID = @PaymentOrderID;
        SELECT    *
        FROM    @InsertedAndDeleted id
        WHERE    id.OldRW <> @RW
        RAISERROR('Lost update detected.', 16, 1);    
    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0
    DECLARE @ErrMsg NVARCHAR(2048), @ErrNum INT;
    SET @ErrMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE();
    SET @ErrNum = ERROR_NUMBER();
    IF @ErrNum = 50000 AND @ErrMsg = 'Lost update detected.'
        SET @OutputXml =
            SELECT    src.*
            FROM    @InsertedAndDeleted id
            CROSS APPLY
                SELECT 'Old' AS RowType, id.OldPaymentOrderID AS PaymentOrderID, id.OldAmount AS Amount, id.OldModifyUser AS ModifyUser
                UNION ALL
                SELECT 'New' AS RowType, id.NewPaymentOrderID AS PaymentOrderID, id.NewAmount AS Amount, id.NewModifyUser AS ModifyUser
            ) src
            ORDER BY src.RowType
    RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, 16, 1);

As you can see the UPDATE outputs the affected rows into a table variable and if a change is detected within RW column an exception (Lost update detected) is raised. The BEGIN CATCH … END CATCH block will intercept this exception and an XML is generated and sent back to client application.

Thus, after User #1 executes

Code Snippet
    @PaymentOrderID INT = 2,
    @Amount NUMERIC(18,2) = 1000.00,
    @RW BINARY(8) = 0x7D3,
    @OutputXml XML;
– It changes the the amount: 1000 -> 1005    
SET @Amount = 1005.00;    

EXEC dbo.PaymentOrder_Update
    @Amount ,
    @RW ,
    @OutputXml OUTPUT
SELECT @OutputXml AS Result;

and the update succeeds the User #2 executes

Code Snippet
    @PaymentOrderID INT = 2,
    @Amount NUMERIC(18,2) = 1000.00,
    @RW BINARY(8) = 0x7D3,
    @OutputXml XML;
– It tries to change the amount to 1050    
SET @Amount = 1050.00;    

EXEC dbo.PaymentOrder_Update
    @Amount ,
    @RW ,
    @OutputXml OUTPUT
SELECT @OutputXml AS Result;

and the results is an exception:

Code Snippet
Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure PaymentOrder_Update, Line 68
Lost update detected.
<src xmlns:xsi=""&gt;
<src xmlns:xsi=""&gt;


This solution can be easily changed to show also the original values for User #2 (example: Amount 1000.00).

Note: a simple update on a column with the same value will change also the rowversion for affected rows.

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