Yet another SQL Server enthusiast


Filtered indexes and parameters

Filed under: Uncategorized — ---- @ 8:32 PM

SQL Server 2008 introduced filtered indexes.

While there are scenarios were filtered indexes are a great solution there is a simple scenario where SQL Server can’t use these type of indexes (for a good reason): predicates with variables/parameters.

Example (I used Adventure Works sample database for SQL Server 2012). If we create the following filtered index for some queries that shows the sales orders having SubTotal >= 100000:

Code Snippet
USE AdventureWorks2012;
CREATE INDEX INF_SalesOrderHeader_SubTotal
ON Sales.SalesOrderHeader(SubTotal)
INCLUDE (OrderDate)
– Only 54 orders from 31564 orders have SubTotal greather than 100000
WHERE SubTotal >= 100000;

then the execution plans of the following query

Code Snippet
– Query #1
SELECT    OrderDate, SubTotal
FROM    Sales.SalesOrderHeader h
WHERE    h.SubTotal >= 105000

will include an Index Seek on this index:

01.Execution.Plan.Predicate.With.ConstantBut if we rewrite this  query to use a variable / parameter instead of constant:

Code Snippet
– Query #2
DECLARE @p MONEY = 105000
SELECT    OrderDate, SalesOrderID
FROM    Sales.SalesOrderHeader h
WHERE    h.SubTotal >= @p

then the execution plan will include an index scan on clustered index PK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID because the execution plan must be generated for all values of @p (less than 100000 or greater than 100000):


What solutions do we have if we want to show only those orders with SubTotal >= 100000 but the the minimum subtotal must be a variable / parameter ?

The usual solution for this problem is to simple add the RECOMPILE query hint thus:

Code Snippet
– Query #3
DECLARE @p MONEY = 105000
SELECT    OrderDate, SalesOrderID
FROM    Sales.SalesOrderHeader h
WHERE    h.SubTotal >= @p


But what if we want to benefit from execution plan caching ? The solution is to add the predicate from WHERE clause of CREATE INDEX statement within WHERE clause of SELECT statement thus WHERE CreateIndexWherePredicate AND PredicateWithVariable:

Code Snippet
– Query #4
DECLARE @p MONEY = 105000
SELECT    OrderDate, SalesOrderID
FROM    Sales.SalesOrderHeader h
WHERE    h.SubTotal >= 100000  AND h.SubTotal >= @p


This way SQL Server knows that it must shows always those orders having SubTotal >= 100000 or greater and thus it can use safely the filtered index.

Note: here can be found all predicates (IN, IS | IS NOT | = | <> | != | > | >= | !> | < | <= | !<) allowed within WHERE clause of CREATE INDEX statement.

Note #2: The execution plan for Query #2 shows an UnmatchedIndexes warning that can be found by examining the XML execution plan:

Code Snippet
                <Object Database="[AdventureWorks2012]" Schema="[Sales]" Table="[SalesOrderHeader]" Index="[INF2_SalesOrderHeader_SubTotal]" />
            <Warnings UnmatchedIndexes="true" />

Note #3: You can detect these UnmatchedIndexes warnings also by using an Extended Event session and sqlserver.unmatched_filtered_indexes event:

Code Snippet
ADD EVENT sqlserver.unmatched_filtered_indexes(
    WHERE ([sqlserver].[database_name]=N'AdventureWorks2012'))
ADD TARGET package0.ring_buffer

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