Yet another SQL Server enthusiast


Seek vs. Scan (II)

Filed under: index,optimization,scan,seek,sql server,sql server 2008 r2 — ---- @ 7:45 PM

This blog post tries to explain the results of the first series of tests. To accomplish this goal I will do a new series of tests using (almost) the same methodology. The only difference is how I select the rows (164 rows or 1640 rows) used  for testing. Please remember that the clustered index of Sales.Customer table (PK_Customer_CustomerID) has 121 leaf pages and 19820 rows. This is the script used for this:

Code Snippet
– Test Series #2: Seek vs. Scan (II)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Rows](CustomerID)
SELECT x.CustomerID
SELECT    c.CustomerID,(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY c.CustomerID)-1) % 121 AS RowNum
FROM    Sales.Customer c
) x
WHERE x.RowNum = 0; /* x.RowNum BETWEEN 0 AND 9; */

This time I got these results:


To compare both results in a simple manner I added the previous results:


As you can see, the current  test series (#2) has some interesting facts:

  • Merge Join and Scan Merge Join operators give the best performance only from the point of view of logical reads.
  • However the best overall performance (Duration, CPU) is achieved by Nested Loops and Index Seek (which isn’t all surprising).
  • And, again, these series of tests show that [Logical] Reads shouldn’t be the only key performance indicator used when we evaluate different execution plans for the same query.

Why ?

Visually, the main difference between these two series of tests is as follows:

TestSeries#1vsTestSeries#2Test series #1 has to find 164 records which are physical stored in the “first” leaf page of PK_Customer_CustomerID clustered index (or it has to find 1640 records stored in the “first” 10 leaf pages of the same index). On the other hand test series #2 reads reads the same number of records (164 records, 1640 records) which are equally distributed in all those 121 leaf pages of PK_Customer_CustomerID clustered index. As you can see, this small detail (the physically distribution of records in the clustered index: PK_Customer_CustomerID) has a huge impact on the query performance.

The last question

The last question and the main question is (I think) why Merge Join + Index Scan (Query 3; all 164 records are stored in the “first” leaf page) give the best results for the Test series #1 ?

ActualExecutionPlansTestSeries#1Query3We would expect that Clustered Index Scan operator to read all records from all leaf pages:


But, the output of SET STATISTICS IO ON shows something unexpected:

Code Snippet
Table ‘Customer’. Scan count 1, logical reads 3
Table ‘Rows’. Scan count 1, logical reads 2

As you can see, instead of showing 1 (root page) + 121 leaf pages + 1 page IAM =  the output of STATISTICS IO shows only 3 logical reads representing 1 root page + 1 leaf page + 1 IAM = 123 logical reads. This output shows that after reading 164 records from the “first” leaf page the Clustered Index Scan stops and doesn’t tries to read following leaf pages:

ClusteredindexScan2 From this point of view, the behavior of Scan operator in this context is partially similar to behavior of Index Seek – range scan :

Code Snippet
FROM Sales.Customer c
WHERE c.CustomerID <= 164
ORDER BY c.CustomerID;

The behavior of this Scan operator is also partially similar to behavior of Clustered Index Scan in the following query:

Code Snippet
FROM Sales.Customer c
ORDER BY c.CustomerID;


Code Snippet
Table ‘Customer’. Scan count 1, logical reads 2


  1. A Scan operator is not always something “bad”. In some cases, Scan will give better results than Index Seek (at least than Index Seek – singleton seek).
  2. Not always Merge Join gives the best results even if there are proper indexes.
  3. Logical reads shouldn’t be the only query performance metric used to measure the query performance. You should look at CPU and, of course, Duration.

Note: To understand why I used all these table/index hints

Code Snippet
MyTable WITH(FORCESEEK(PK_Customer_CustomerID(CustomerID)))
– index_id 1 is the clustered index (PK_Customer_CustomerID)

please read this blog post.

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